安岡整形外科脳外科クリニック 武蔵野市吉祥寺の整形外科,脳外科,神経内科,リハビリテーション科

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F (Fluid):液体(水分+塩分)の経口摂取・点滴
I (Ice):身体冷却とエアコン・水をかける・霧吹き・氷
R (Rest):スポーツ・労働の完全な休止
E (Emergency):意識障害を伴う場合は、気道の確保・側臥位・119番通報


F (Fluid):液体(水分+塩分)摂取
I (Ice):身体冷却とエアコン・水をかける・霧吹き・氷
R (Rest):疲れがたまっていないか?練習(労働)の間に休養をとっているか?
E (Emergency):緊急事態の予測に基づく、緊急連絡網の確認



F (Fluid):液体(水分+塩分)の経口摂取であり、点滴である。
I (Ice):身体冷却と(可能であれば)エアコンの効いた涼しい場所への移動。
R (Rest):スポーツ・労働の完全な休止。軽症と思われても決して活動を再開させない。現場で軽症と思われていた病状が、活動再開後、急速に悪化する事例が多い。
E (Emergency):意識障害を伴う場合は、側臥位(昏睡位)を保つ。気道の確保をまず確認。舌根沈下と誤嚥による呼吸不全を防止。腹臥位(うつ伏せ)は絶対に避ける。救急車の到着を待たずにこれらを行うことにより、低酸素脳症とそれによる神経系後遺障害の発生を防ぐ。熱中症で低酸素脳症の後遺症を持つ症例は、発生現場の初期段階において十分な気道確保ができていなかったことによることが多い。


F (Fluid):液体(水分+塩分)摂取。
I (Ice):身体冷却。昔の行水は冷却法の一つ。高齢者は扇風機では不十分。エアコンも必要。
R (Rest):疲れがたまっていないか?練習(労働)の間に休養をとっているか?前夜の睡眠は十分か?
E (Emergency):緊急事態の予測に基づく、手配・緊急連絡網の確認など。医療関係者・現場責任者は気道確保・心肺蘇生について復習しておきましょう。



Journal of Japanese Congress on Neurological Emergencies (2003) vol.16 P5-9 Abstract

Heat illness grade III syndrome. New diagnostic criteria of heat stroke (heat illness grade III) Shozo Yasuoka, Toru Aruga, Izumi Toyota, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Takashi Okudera, Hiroki Tomita, Morikazu Ueda, Tetsuhide, Yusuke Kimura, Toshiyuki Yagishita, Akira Sato, Shiro Kobayashi,Isamu Saito, Takashi Kawahara, Koji Watarai, Masami Akai Committee of Heat illness, Japanese Congress on Neurological Emergencies Yasuoka Clinic Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Kitazato University School of Medicine Trauma and Critical Care Center. Teikyo University School of Medicine Department of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, Shinshu University School of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery, Musashino Red Cross Hospital Ohashi Hospital, School of Medicine. Toho University Emergency Medical Center, Kitakyushu General Hospital Kimura Hospital Chiba Emergency Medical Center Nippon Medical School, Chibahokuso Hospital Dpartment of Neurosurgery, Kyorin University Japan Institute of Sport Science Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo National Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled Journal of Japanese Congress on Neurological Emergencies (2003)  vol.16 P5-9 Abstract –

The Japanese medical terms used in the classification of heat illnesses are neither unified nor clearly defined. This could have led to misdiagnosis or mismanagement in the past. In our new proposed classification, We have divided heat illness into three grades to eliminate this problem. Grade I is any minor heat illness; this includes heat cramp and heal syncope. Grade III is used for any one of the three following conditions in a patient with hyperthermia (i.e., above 39° rectal temperature) who has been under heat stress, (i) Any sign of brain dysfunction, i.e.. loss of consciousness, delirium. Hallucination, or cerebellar signs, (ii) Liver or kidney dysfunction found by a blood test, (iii) An abnormal blood clotting system found by a blood test. Grade II is the diagnosis for any condition not covered by grades I or III. Grade III should he referred to as “heat illness grade III syndrome.” This new syndrome will be beneficial not only to the diagnosis in the hospital, but also to the early detection and management of heat illness in the field.

Receiver: August 7, 2002 / Accepted: October 21, 2002 Key words: Heat illness, Syndrome, Heat stroke, 熱中症, 症候群, 熱射病

>> 「熱中症Ⅰ~Ⅲ度分類の意義」PDFファイル(2.14 MB)
(日医雑誌 第140巻・第4号/2011年7月 P.789~P.794)


>> 「熱中症の診断・治療・予防 早期発見と適切な治療で命を救う」PDFファイル(479 KB)
(日医雑誌 第141巻・第2号/2012年月 P.245~P.258)